Besides the business concept of offering tailoring services, alterations, interior textiles services, and textile reuse, Sömnadskollektivet is passionate about sustainable fashion. The organisation now has four employees and five people undergoing job training.

Sömnadskollektivet is a social enterprise in the form of a co-operative that promotes integration into the labor market through tailoring services for individuals and companies.

It all started with a project in which founder Anna Heikki saw that many newly arrived immigrants to Sweden had great tailoring skills. This valuable expertise could be utilized and language training provided. Sömnadskollektivet could then in turn offer a wider range of products and services.

Most of the products are made in Sömnadskollektivet’s store from eco-certified environmentally friendly materials. In addition, Sömnadskollektivet has an open workshop and offers sewing courses for hobbyists There is even a small-scale range of designer products.

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