Meet the entrepreneurs and social enterprises connected to the Stockholm Social Impact Accelerator. Created to develop competitive, sustainable and innovative businesses.
Want to get involved? Contact us!

Riedia is a Swedish startup that empowers 300 million immigrants to read local news in their own language, anywhere in the world. With in-house AI that outperforms Google Translate and a team of professional journalists, Riedia provide translated, curated, and personalized news from trusted local sources.
”We can’t wait to be part of the Social Impact Accelerator to learn and get support from people interested in Social Impact startups.”
SacsiN AB
SacsiN – Sustainability and Compliance Standard Information Network – is the world’s first standardized, flexible way to send and receive Sustainability and Product Compliance information based on laws and regulations throughout the supplier network.
It saves companies time, effort, costs and enables procurement to make sustainable decisions based on facts not assumptions. Traceability all the way to the mine ensures transparency and support many upcoming laws as well as 16 out of 17 Global Goals.
”SacsiN are very happy to be able to join the SIA Program.”

Mood Social
Mood Social is a social platform where anyone can create, find and join activities together with friends and peers. Their goal is to connect people and battle loneliness.
”We are excited to join the Social Impact Accelerator together with other startups making a difference in the world.”
Svenska Memo AB
Svenska Memo is a production company and publisher that produces knowledge games “board games” in art, design and culture. Within their production, they also work with “fusion” cross-border art projects, graphic design, reportage, photo assignments and film assignments.
”We are extremely happy and inspired to take part of Social Impact Accelerator with our current project and look forward to an interesting program with a series of interesting workshops that lead us towards sustainability and new development opportunities.”

Holistic WAW Strategies
Katrin Georges’ company helps people with holistic Weight-loss, healthy lifestyle changes & Wellness.
Piipll is an app where people can connect to help each other in their everyday lives. They want to create work opportunities and social connections for those who are currently outside the labor market (e.g. students, immigrants and elderly) while at the same time help families or elderly put together their everyday puzzles and reduce stress.
”We are very much looking forward to participating in the Social Impact Accelerator project and to taking part in interesting workshops and meeting other entrepreneurs as well as ecosystem organizations!”

Mindtemp is a startup focused on helping people and companies to improve health, relations and productivity.
Fight for Zero
Fight for Zero empower young people to reach their full potential, reduce exclusion and promote peace in our society.
They do this through meaningful activities in sports, personal development and education – in combination with employability, social support and youth leadership opportunities.
”We are thrilled to be part of Social Impact Accelerator 2023 och lay the foundation for Fight for Zero moving forward. We would like to thank Coompanion and ecosystem partners for giving us this opportunity.”

Realmar is an all-round marketing agency offering complete digital support for businesses. Their founders have 11 years of experience from various business areas and niches. With a wide range of services including packaging operations, social media marketing, SEO and SEM, Google Ads, website development, Facebook targeting, business support, email marketing, CRM implementation, research and analysis, video and production support, content production, mobile advertising, app development and interaction with influencers.
In addition, Realmar uses AI to optimize its services and improve the customer experience. Their main message is to provide a complete solution for business marketing needs.
The Sustainability Collaborative
The Sustainability Collaborative is a cooperative change agency that supports decision-makers who want to lead, individuals searching for real impact, businesses ready to make a difference, and institutions willing to enact system change.
They are a network of sustainability professionals and business advisors intent on harnessing collective impact by providing a hub for accessing expertise and by forming teams on demand to help clients solve their sustainability challenges.
”We are pleased to join the Social Impact Accelerator to develop and scale our platform, reach and impact.”

Studio CINEArchitecture
”My company is a creative multidiciplinary work over the years I now want to divided it in to different parts.”
”I really look forward to set up this together with Social Impact Accelerator and Coompanion.”
Parental Growth
Parental Growth (en del av Relationsappen) ska digitalisera föräldrastöd. Forskning visar att påfrestningar av föräldraskapet leder till försämrade relationer och ökad stress – detta vill Parental Growth ändra på genom att erbjuda föräldrar lättillgängligt stöd. Parental Growt är experter inom föräldrarollens alla faser – från förskolebarn till tonåringar.
”Vi är mycket glada att vi har fått möjligheten att få en plats i Social Impact Accelerator. Vi ser fram emot att få utvecklas ytterligare inom våra hållbarhetsmål; jämställdhet, minskad ojämlikhet och hälsa och hoppas även hitta finansiering tack vare detta acceleratorsprogram.”

Theory Into Practice
Theory Into Practice är arkitekter som tror på en bättre framtid. De tror på arkitekturens kraft och att nytänkande lösningar, form och innehåll kan förändra hur vi lever våra liv. Arkitektur och innovation går hand i hand. Nyfikenhet, mod och handlingskraft är grunden i deras unika arbetssätt.
”Genom Social Impact Accelerator vill vi bli ännu vassare!”
Sparly AB
Sparly is a Stockholm-based startup on a mission to educate and empower young adults about personal finance in a partnership with banks and companies. Sparly offers a free mobile app for young consumers where banks and companies can co-create engaging content and provide rewards for reaching financial goals.
”We are thrilled to be starting the Social Impact Accelerator to shape Sparly towards an impact startup.”

TechFusion aims to connect skilled engineers who have diverse backgrounds and international experience living in Sweden with leading technology companies. They believe in the power of networking and building relationships with partners, ambassadors, and candidates to access a pool of skilled engineers within their target group.
”We are thrilled and excited to announce our participation in the Social Impact Accelerator program. With the support of Coompanion and their partners, we are striving to benefit technology companies and engineers even more but also our organization as a whole by allowing us to expand our reach and impact in the Swedish technology market.”
Womengineer is a foundation that enable women to shape the world by defining what engineering can be. Primarily by arranging Introduce a Girl to Engineering day (IGEday) – an annual event where engineering companies are encouraged to open their doors to girls and non-binary people between the ages of 13-19 to let them experience life as an engineer for a day. The participants get to meet role models and are inspired to explore their tech interest.
”We are delighted to be accepted to this program that we hope can help take the next step into scaling up our organization and building our business model.”

Do you want to get involved?
Contact us if you have any questions about participating or contributing to the Social Impact Accelerator.
Naimul Abd, Business Advisor