Coompanion Kronoberg deltar under Global Entrepreneurship Week på Linnéuniversitetet tillsammans med Drivhuset Kalmar och Drivhuset Växjö.

Meet an entrepreneur

14/11 Zoom
Kl 08:30-09:30

Former journalism student Katja Johansson talks about her journey as a self-employed person. Today, Katja is active as a designer and stylist and works with famous names such as Darin Zanyar, Molly Sandén and the participants in Idol. Hear her talk about what it was like to be noticed by the magazine Elle and what the future has in store.

Take the opportunity to ask Katja everything you want to know about entrepreneurship. The event will be held online on Zoom. Link will be send to your email before the event.

You can find Katja here:
Instagram: @katjajohanssondesign

Vernissage utställning Drivhuset

K-husets öppna yta

Kl 12:00 – 13:00
Drivhuset works together with Linnaeus university to help students engage in
entrepreneurship and this exhibition celebrates student-driven ideas! Learn more about 20 different ideas that have turned into reality and get inspired by our fantastic
students and alumni.

Creating cross-sectoral dialogue for a sustainable society

14/11 Rum K1040
kl 16:00-18:00

As societal challenges are brought to light in a more and more urgent fashion, many of us citizens want to get involved and act towards a more sustainable society, somehow. Dialogue and cooperations between all forms of actors in society (individuals, civil society organisations, academics, companies and more) appear necessary to create an effective lasting impact. But how can we actually contribute to this cross-sectoral dialogue?

This is the theme tackled in this workshop, supported by an inspiring method and fueled by participants’ own questions and creativity.

Workshop led by Akatingo International and Drivhuset.

Everyone can participate in this workshop, no prior knowledge is needed. The workshop is held in english to include all students. Do not hesitate to participate if you are worried about your english, we will help each other!

Socialt entreprenörskap

15/11 Rum N1017

kl 08:30-10:00

Vad är egentligen ett socialt företag och vad skiljer det från ett traditionellt företag? Entreprenörskap kommer i många olika former och sociala företag baserar sin affärsverksamhet på en eller flera samhällsutmaningar för att skapa samhällsnyttiga affärer. Hur det går till och vilka olika slags sociala företag som finns berättar Coompanion mer om under Global Entrepreneurship Week.

Frukost kommer att finnas på plats till deltagarna.

Airat Miftakhov “Digital entrepreneurship facing a war. Moral choices, challenges and solutions”

16/11 Rum K1040
Kl 10:00-12:00

Airat Miftakhov co-founded and was successfully leading a company in Russia, until
the war on Ukraine erupted. Airat shares his experience as the war brutally impacted
his company’s activity and carried tragic mental, ethical and economic consequences for all involved. In an inspiring presentation, he presents solutions implemented to face the situation before sharing his learnings and his vision for the future.

This lecture is given as a complement to the Master program in Entrepreneurship,
Sustainability and Social Change at LNU.

“Families are the Foundation for Entrepreneurship in the World Economy”

16/11 Zoom
Kl 16:00-17:30

William Gartner, visiting professor at LNU specialized in family entrepreneurship, explores during this lecture the role that family businesses play in the US and the World economies. Finding support in a major report published at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic, he displays the predominant position of family businesses and emphasizes their importance and impact to both economy and society, particularly in periods of crisis.

This lecture is given as a part of the Master program in Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Social Change at LNU and can be watched via Zoom.

The lecture is held in English.

Christine Tidåsen ”Mackens vänner”

17/11 N-husets foajé
Kl 10:00-12:00

Mackens Vänner is a non-profit association established in Växjö and working to support people in situations of alienation through integration work and a range of socially based activities. Christine Tidåsen, researcher in entrepreneurship and marketing at LNU, discusses Mackens Vänner’s contribution within social entrepreneurship as well as its development, successes and challenges in the distinctive entrepreneurial ecosystem of Småland.

This lecture is given as a part of the Master program in Entrepreneurship, Sustainability and Social Change at LNU.

Social Innovation Camp VÄXJÖ

17/11 N-husets foajé

Kl 16:00-19:00

Social Innovation Camp is about finding innovative solutions to societal challenges. This concept combines entrepreneurship and creation of societal benefits.

All participants are gathered in a common workshop. The workshop is based on the Design Thinking method, stemming from the client and user as co-creators of the solution. A dynamic is formed as participants are activated in a common entrepreneurial process. When points of contact are created between actors, the conditions to develop workable ideas get generated.

Everyone can participate in this workshop, no prior knowledge is needed. The workshop is held in english to include all students. Do not hesitate to participate if you are worried about your english, we will help each other!

Dinner is offered to all participants.

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14 - 18 nov 2022


08:00 - 20:00

Lokal tid

  • Tidszon: Europe/Paris
  • Datum: 14 - 18 nov 2022
  • Tid 08:00 - 20:00




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